Monday, September 03, 2007

We are back!

Some of you may have notcied that access to this website has been blocked for a few weeks, but now we are back!

We will try to keep it as update to as possible. On Wednesday we should have some news on the pay offer as there is a meeting tomorrow to dicuss Unison's response to the 2.5% offer.

On the 21st September we are meeting the employers to talk about DMBC's new pay and grading review. We should have the details up on here by the 24th September.

We are also going to try to hold on-line polls to find out your views on things. Don't think of cheating and voting more than once, as the software we are using can tell us and discounts this from the 0verall votes.

Pay Offer
What should we do about the 2.5% offer?
Prepare to take strike action for decent pay
Spend several weeks being consulted about this all over again
Feel jolly grateful to our kind employers

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