Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Smoking Policy update

Just to let you know that amendments have been made to the smoking policy. As from the 1st October 2007 comfort breaks will be permitted ( but not at "set " times each day ). Care staff who have paid breaks will be able to take breaks, out of public view, and add the time onto their shift. I understand that managers are being briefed about the changes in time for the 1st October introduction. If you have access to a computer/intranet then you can read about the changes in the " find a policy" section.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Green Light for Strike Ballot

Yesterday Unison's National Industrial Action Committee unanimously authorised the request for a strike ballot over Local Government Pay.

The indicative timescale is that the ballot will take place in October, with the first day of industrial action taking place sometime mid November, if (or should I say when)we get a yes vote. Any action is likely to be in co-ordination with other public sector unions who are also balloting for strike action, such as Unite (old T&G/Amicus)and the PCS (civil servants union).

Pay & rewards meeting cancelled

We were hoping to inform members of how Job Evaluation will effect their pay early next week. Unfortunately the employer has cancelled the negotiation meeting planned for tomorrow (21st September), as they haven't finished analysing the data! This does appear bizarre seeing as we started negotiations last December. Although since the initial meeting no meaningful data has been given to the unions.

We are awaiting a new date for the meeting and will let you know when that is to take place.

The council set a target date of the end of September to reach agreement with the unions on the new pay structure. Seeing as we are unlikely to be told their proposals until at least the end of September, we can assume this date will slip. A more realistic date would probably be Christmas...2007 we hope!

As soon as we know what's happening we will let you know.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Strike action over pay!

UNISON's National Joint Council Committee yesterday agreed to proceed with a strike ballot rather than recommend acceptance of the employers' (slightly) improved offer of 2.475% (with 3.4% for those on the lowest point of the pay spine).

If this decision gets the support of the Industrial Action Committee (expected to meet next week)- which it should as it is in line with the policies of Local Government and National Delegate Conference - we could see national strike action in the autumn, possibly November.

We need to recruit all the non-members we can so they don't cross our picket lines (agency workers can join the union too - and any one who is a human being can respect a picket line!)

This will not be an easy fight but it is a very important one.

The NJC decision took a wise decision (by a wide margin) and now we need to knuckle down and get on with the hard work of winning the ballot and then winning the strike.

Monday, September 03, 2007

We are back!

Some of you may have notcied that access to this website has been blocked for a few weeks, but now we are back!

We will try to keep it as update to as possible. On Wednesday we should have some news on the pay offer as there is a meeting tomorrow to dicuss Unison's response to the 2.5% offer.

On the 21st September we are meeting the employers to talk about DMBC's new pay and grading review. We should have the details up on here by the 24th September.

We are also going to try to hold on-line polls to find out your views on things. Don't think of cheating and voting more than once, as the software we are using can tell us and discounts this from the 0verall votes.

Pay Offer
What should we do about the 2.5% offer?
Prepare to take strike action for decent pay
Spend several weeks being consulted about this all over again
Feel jolly grateful to our kind employers