Saturday, May 26, 2012

DMBC &, "The Sidestep Shuffle!"

News reaches us as we all move in to the weekend that DMBC have sent a letter to UNISON Regional HQ in Leeds responding to the news that Doncaster UNISON is now preparing to initiate Unfair Dismissal claims for hundreds of members. This despite the fact that the letter telling them came from the Doncaster Branch!

So what are we to make of this odd move and JM's seeming refusal to engage with locally elected reps?

Well it is exactly what it is! Having spent much of her recent career, "operating," at top levels & despite her oft tweeted commitment to, "engagement," it seems that JM believes that DMBC only needs to talk to those at the top!

Not that Yorks and Humberside UNISON should remain blameless in this - the involvement of Regional Officials earlier in the year was a classic example of how to, "muddy the waters," and may have created the impression for our esteemed leader that such behaviour (rude, though we are sure unintentional!) was acceptable.

For the avoidance of future misunderstanding perhaps we can offer the following advice; UNISON members in Doncaster elect their local representatives (Convenors and Stewards) and it is to those members that we are accountable. Regional Officials are paid employees of UNISON and, as such, facilitate the work of the Branch. Communications from the local Branch should secure a response TO the local Branch!

Either this or there is a risk that the Corporate DMBC approach could begin(?) to smack of, "I'll talk to your mother!"

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