Thursday, March 05, 2009

Not the Sharpest Tools in the Box!?

Amidst the gloom of the ever-worsening economic situation it is nice to be able to have a laugh now and then. No doubt many Doncaster UNISON members will share my amusement which came courtesy of the numpties within the British National Party’s communications department.

To kick start their European election campaign the BNP has decided to hold a series of ‘Battle for Britain’ road shows. To promote this campaign they have used a picture of a Second World War Spitfire as the main image.
I don’t suppose this will come as much of a shock to most of us. After all we are constantly reminded by, "Fuhrer," Nick Griffin and other BNP supporters that their grandfathers fought to defend Britain, that our island is now “full up” and that we must end the free movement of European citizens within its member states (or at least stop them coming in to Britain).

What will no doubt surprise many people is that to promote their campaign the idiots at the BNP have chosen a picture of a Supermarine Spitfire “Foxtrot Romeo Delta”, which was from the RAF’s 303 squadron.
Guess what – the 303 squadron was a Polish squadron! Who would believe that even they could be so stupid as to choose a picture of a Polish pilot flying a British aeroplane to defend Britain against the Nazis that they idolise so much!? Let's remember that Griffin has a conviction for Holocaust denial and that other members of the BNP have many and varied convictions for racist and homophobic attacks, anti-semitism and violence!

The pilot who flew Foxtrot Romeo Delta was Squadron Leader Jan Zumbach. Who knows? He too might have grandchildren who live here in Britain. It would be interesting to know the BNP’s views as to their eligibility to live here.

More than 20% of the aircrew who took part in the Battle of Britain were not British. Who knows, if the BNP had had their way, it is probable that Churchill's, "few," would have been far fewer!
It’s a good job that in 1940 the RAF didn’t operate a policy of British jobs for British workers!
Remember this year, that the BNP, a fascist, racist organisation which is intent on courting electoral respectability, will again seek to win a seat in Yorkshire & Humberside in the European Elections. We should be in no doubt that they stand for everything that we, as Trade Unionists reject; where they sow division and hatred we stand for unity and tolerance.
Doncaster UNISON has been, and will continue to be a proud supporter of anti-BNP campaigns, so if you want to get involved, contact the Branch office on 01302 320793.
The BNP is a stain on our communities and on our region. When you get the chance, whoever you choose to vote for, get out, get your friends and family out and vote to keep the BNP out!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!