Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Smoking at Work - The last taboo?

As I sit and write this blog I have a feeling my phone will ring with a complaint from another Unison member about the introduction of the Councils draconian policy on smoking at work. There is a saying " if it ain't broke don't fix it" which applied to the Councils old policy on smoking at work but for some reason that wasn't good enough. Yes the country is going"smoke free" on the 1st July and I welcome the change. It's all about smoking in enclosed places, pubs, clubs etc etc and not exposing non smokers to "passive smoking". Residential workers appear to be the biggest losers under the new policy as they work an 8 hour shift ( some in child care can be on site for up to 24 hours) with no chance of a break for a cig. as this would mean they had to go off the premises which would put residents "at risk". Those staff who don't smoke have to sit with those service users who do smoke - what about their rights? The policy has to be revised and the sooner the better! Unison are raising the issue at every opportunity, and we are asking you to write and complain to either Joan Beck or Tom Common expressing your opinions on the new policy. In the meantime watch this space, we may have to get tough!!

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